
Customer Testimonials

Pest-Pro has been trusted by many Homes & Businesses in Singapore. Find out what our customers are saying.


Mr. Dennis Tan (GM), LS 2 Services

"Pest-Pro Management has been assisting us in many areas of pest control since last year. Their team and workers are a group of people committed in providing only the best of services, besides being professional at their job, they are fully responsible, dedicated and take pride in their work.

They are positively effective in eradicating problems and have guided us in ensuring that problems do not surface again with their advices, thus making your dollar stretch more effectively. Not forgetting that it can both be cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

We can personally vouch for their integrity and recommend Pest-Pro Management highly."



Ms. Brenda Chen, Premas

"We would like to commend Pest-Pro Management on their efficient and comprehensive pest management treatment rendered. The response time of your call centre and 24-hours hotline number has been most helpful in the event of emergency calls so far.

It has been a pleasant working relationship with Pest-Pro Management and we look forward to working closely with you on our future projects. The effort of your field technicians are very much appreciated. Please commend them on our behalf."



Mr. Nicholas Ang, Owner of 10 restaurants

"I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation of your personalized pest management services. Namely, the chemicals you have used along with your method of management has shown tremendous results in solving our cockroach problems.

Having seen the method used by other pest management companies, your team of technicians have amazed me with their ability to use non-toxic and environmentally-friendly pesticides and still being able to achieve the desired results of all my restaurants.

I will continue to recommend your company services to those people who require pest control services."



Mr. Geetha (Director), Service Connections Pte Ltd

"It has been a great pleasure working with your organization. Your team and you have assisted us in many areas of pest-control since last year. Your ground team has eradicated problems and has guided us in ensuring that problems do not surface again with their advices.

My manager have also given good feedback and praised your staff for being very cooperative, professional and service-oriented.

We appreciate your good work and hope you would continue with the great performance."



Mr. Richard Chua, EPM Services Pte Ltd

"Pest-Pro Management has been engaged by us to provide pest control services for various projects since 2007. For the past 2 years, Pest-Pro has provided reliable and prompt services through their team of dedicated, trained and professional staff. We found that its management and supervisory team to be committed, cooperative, efficient and responsive in keeping our premises clean and free of pests.

Importantly, to date, your administrative staff alongside with your field staff have a very cooperative working relationship, thus the response time to our emergency calls has been very efficient and therefore, garnered our sense of confidence in your services.

We sincerely appreciate your fine services and are confident that you will continue to do your best for whichever organization that engages your services."



Ms. Miriam Leong, HDB 5 room flat owner

"Their prices are very competitive and I’m aghast at how much some other companies are charging for a similar service. Price aside, Pest-Pro Management was committed in helping me solve my bed bugs issue that has been plaguing my family for the past 2 months. Kudos!"



Mrs. Lorraine Ling, HDB 4 room flat owner

"After months of unsuccessful treatments by another pest control company, I decided to let Pest-Pro handle it after they were recommended to me by the HDB. Seeing that Pest-Pro is the current contractor for HDB, I decided to go ahead with it.

To my amazement, you managed to solve my bed bugs issue through the conscientious and dedicated work of your technician. It was solved in 2 sessions. On behalf of my family, I would like to sincerely thank you and your team for the hard work put in."