Stay ahead of rodents
No matter if you are running a city or a business, you need to stay ahead. In today’s connected world, being on top of business risks, competition and improvements to every detail of your business – has never been more important. You need to have a plan for every part of your operations. Being proactive. Not reacting when it’s too late. But pest control hasn’t changed much through the history of time. Until now.
With Pest-Pro SMART you’ll stay ahead of rodents and fight the problem with data, instead of poison. Our experts work together with our smart system to deliver the most precise pest control solution there is. With Anticimex Smart you’ll get a rodent-free business and reports of all activity. Proof that you’re staying ahead of rodents to secure healthy, rat-free environments, where people want to live and work.

Around the clock surveillance
Most pest solutions today depend on quarterly or monthly physical inspections. Anticimex Smart, on the other hand, monitors constantly, reacts instantly and reports directly.
Get your intelligence pest control today
Non-toxic pest control
All Anticimex Smart traps are 100% non-toxic. It’s better for the environment, it creates a healthier work environment and it means no pesticides ending up where they aren’t supposed to be.
Change to non-toxic traps today
Avoid costly problems
Solving an infestation takes time, and the damage done to your business can be substantial. With Anticimex Smart installed, we can act fast on early warnings and deal with potential issues before they turn into costly problems.
Not react when it’s too late
Detect blind spots
Pests excel at hiding in places where they are hard to detect. With Anticimex Smart and our innovative sensors we can detect activities in hidden places or relocate traps to that specific area.
No more hide & seek
Easy documentation
Anticimex Smart is an intelligent system connected to our Smart data hub, which allows us to analyze your situation and, when needed, export the data you need to present your status to an external part.
Fight pests with smart data
Less to worry about
Constant monitoring minimizes the risk of an infestation that could harm your business or your relationship to your customers and partners. In addition, efficient yet non-toxic traps guarantee that you comply to laws and regulations.
Digital reports gives you 100% control

How to get started?
Pest-Pro SMART is an intelligent system that keeps an eye on things you don't want to see. By constantly monitoring and instantly reacting, it prevents costly infestations in an environmentally-friendly way. Add the services traditionally provided by us, and you will get a solution that gives you the best of two worlds - automation and expertise.

Step 1
We analyse and plan
First we inspect your site, study available documentation and interview key persons. Based on what we discover, we define the optimal solution for your business. If there’s already an infestation taking place, we take care of it.
- We inspect the site - Strategy starts with research. Based on years of industry experience we inspect, assess and identify risk zones on-site.
- We study available documentation - In addition to a detailed site inspection we review and analyze available documentation to get a full understanding of your needs.
- We interview key persons - You and your colleagues know your business best. By interviewing key persons, we gain knowledge that’s not necessarily available through documentation.
- We define the optimal setup - Every business is unique, as is the optimal pest control solution. Depending on the outcome of the analysis we define the optimal setup for your business.
- We solve infestations we find - If we encounter an ongoing infestation during our inspection, we take care of it.
Step 2
We install and connect
Based on our plan, we install a system of strategically placed sensors that detect infestations and non-toxic traps that efficiently deal with pests. The Smart units are connected and constantly report back to our Smart data hub.
- New technology - The Anticimex Smart system is developed by our R&D team at Anticimex Innovation Centre. The system and its products carry the latest research and technology, and they’re the only ones of their kind.
- Designed for multiple purposes - The traps are designed to work both in- and outside as well as above and below ground. They carry state of the art technology, such as connectivity, sensors and solar panels. Accompanying baits are non-toxic.
- Common functionalities - All traps have a smart sensor technology that minimizes the risk of false alarms. They are constantly connected and reports activities and catches. All data is gathered in our Smart data hub for further analysis and actions.
Step 3
We service, you relax
We conduct regular inspections, empty and relocate traps when needed, analyze data and provide you with necessary information. Once any activity is reported we proceed to act immediately so you can focus your attention elsewhere.
- We do physical inspections - Anticimex Smart is a powerful system for pest control. However, a system can never replace years of industry experience. That’s why we do physical inspections so that you can get the best of two worlds – automation and professional expertise.
- We act fast when needed - Pest populations often grow at a tremendous speed. Therefore, it’s crucial to act on early warnings. By constantly monitoring and instantly reporting, Anticimex Smart enables fast responses to any infestation risks.
- We empty and relocate the traps - When the traps are full we make sure to empty them. While doing that, we also service the units, relocate them if necessary and make sure that everything is working according to plan.
- We analyze and provide information - The data provided by Anticimex Smart, complemented by physical inspections, allows us to continuously analyze your situation. The data can also be exported, in case you need to present your status and process to an external part.
- You relax - Physical inspections take time. Emptying traps takes time. Solving infestations takes both time and money. And worrying about any of the above takes a lot of energy. None of it is an issue with Anticimex Smart, because we do it all for you.
Your SMART pest-control starts here
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“Anticimex Smart ticked all the boxes. We’ve never liked being second best, and I’m personally triggered by new technology.”
Located in Småland in the heart of Sweden, Jitech has established itself as a leading contract manufacturer of steel, stainless and aluminium products with customers including companies within the mining, heavy vehicle, ventilation and energy industries worldwide. Services span the entire value chain, from product development and component manufacturing to welding, nishing and assembly.
Jitech is a long-term customer of Anticimex, which has supplied the company with rodent control since it started its operations 27 years ago. At the beginning of 2016, Jitech was introduced to Anticimex SMART.
“Anticimex SMART ticked all the boxes. We’ve never liked being second best, and I’m personally triggered by new technology,” says Anders Paulsson, Vice President of Jitech.
According to Anders, Jitech continuously strives to find means of improving the operations and identifying the most sustainable solutions for all parts of its operations, such as recycling waste water for cooling purposes, reducing hazardous waste and using green energy.
One strong reason is environmental consideration. Another argument is that a sustainable approach has become an increasingly important competitive advantage.
“A German company, a potential customer, recently visited us to make sure that we lived up to all their environmental requirements. They analyzed every part of the plant and the operations, literally lifting up all lids to see what was underneath. We were very happy then that we didn’t have any pesticides lying around,” Anders concludes.
Anders Paulsson, Vice President,
Jitech steel group
“Thanks to the traps being selfsufficient and monitored digitally with reports sent to Anticimex, we do not need to do anything at all.”
Galvin Green is one of many companies that have chosen to switch to more environmentally friendly methods to protect their business against pests. The company manufactures, stocks, and sells exclusive golf clothing. Quality is a key factor in their business.
“We have worked with traditional pest control using poisons, but we still experienced problems with mice as well as occasional odours of seemingly dead rodents in some parts of the building,” says Lotta Linnér at Galvin Green in Sweden.
Galvin Green chose to leave traditional pest control behind and invest in the Anticimex SMART solution. To begin with, Anticimex did a site analysis of the premises, the operations and the surrounding outdoor areas. At the back of the property, facing a wooded area and a recycling centre, a multi-catch Smart Box was placed, and indoors a variety of traps and sensors.
“Thanks to the traps being self-sufficient and monitored digitally with reports sent to Anticimex, we do not need to do anything at all,” says Lotta.
Statistics show that since the installation six months ago, about thirty rodents have been caught. The employees of Galvin Green also confirm that during this time they have not seen any mice or sensed the unpleasant smell.
“It feels great to have a protection against pests that is both environmentally friendly and that just works. Moreover, it feels comforting that we use gentler methods and do not have to have poisonous toxins located around the premises,” concludes Lotta.
Lotta Linnér, Supply Quality Assurance,
Galvin Green sportswear
“If there’s a sustainable solution that allows us to reduce or even remove pesticides, that’s a big win for us.”
Eson Pac manufactures cardboard boxes, packing lists and labels in five different cities around the world. Their biggest and most important customers are companies in the food industry and the medical industry. Needless to say, both industries have exceptionally high demands on hygiene and very low tolerance for both pests and pesticides.
“A pest infestation is a potential disaster for us,” says Hille Einarsdottir, Q/E Manager at Eson Pac. “If that happens, we might have to discard all the materials in production, and run costly process controls during manufacturing. In addition to that, we’d risk getting complaints and even returned deliveries from our customers.”
To be on the safe side and not having to worry about any of the above, Eson Pac chose to install Anticimex SMART – a preventive, non-toxic solution for pest control.
“If there’s a sustainable solution that allows us to reduce or even remove pesticides, that’s a big win for us,” says Hille. “In addition to that, Anticimex SMART traps are efficient. Switching from traditional forms of pest control was a quite easy choice to make.”
Once the system was installed at the premises, Hille discovered that there were additional benefits she didn’t think of at first.
“Instead of spending time and resources on refilling traps with poison, or trying to figure out if any pests have eaten the poison, the guys and girls from Anticimex can spend that time and energy on analysing our current solution and suggesting further improvements.”
Hille Einarsdottir, Q/E Manager,
Eson Pac packaging industry